Monthly practices
in this section you will find some of the main mantras that we chant during ours lessons.
There are many versions of the same mantra and you may come across recitations that are very different from what you are used to. The differences mainly concern the melody, often linked to cultural factors, but sometimes there are differences concerning the syllables of which the mantra is composed.
The proposed repertoire mainly refers to the Shivananda tradition, one of the great contemporary masters. I came into contact with this repertoire thanks to a dear friend and colleague, Cristina Rapisarda Sassoon.
During our practices the pronunciation of Sanskrit undergoes simplifications that do not detract from the effectiveness of our work and the strength of the final outcome: a mantra practice represents a real bath sound with purifying and harmonizing effects.
As well as in the practice of positions, also in the practice of mantras it is good to rely on the principles of convenience and no effort because only in this way is it possible to open at wonders of the voice that gradually it reveals its mysteries and the enchantment of being pervaded from the inner silence generated by the sound itself.
This year there are two MANTRA MEDITATIVE PRACTICES scheduled (December 6 and May 15) to which I hope to see you all: singing together generates cohesion and subtle bonds, allows to support each other in practice, to test the effects of prolonged immersion in sound and, last but not least, of giving our voice to all fellow travelers.
With the hope of a good exploration voice and good practice,